Mental Health Resilience & Self-Management

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Albertans have experienced many challenges that place a strain on our mental health. On this page you will find resources and learning opportunities to help with your mental health and self-management including:

  • Building Blocks for Resilience: Developed as a teaching tool for parents and caregivers with information and activities to help build resilience. This series highlights evidence informed information and parenting practices that support positive mental health and overall resilience.
  • Self-Management of Depression and Anxiety: Developed for healthcare providers who work with adult and/or teens and their families who have poor mental health, depression, and/or anxiety. This series highlights evidence-based ways to help people improve and maintain their positive mental health through lifestyle management and professional care.
  • Self-Management of Stress: Developed for adults, teens, educators, and healthcare providers. The toolkit provides information about stress, how it can affect your physical and mental health, and coping strategies to help manage stress.
  • Self-Care in Disaster Times and Beyond Toolkit: Developed for first responders, helpers, and leaders involved in disaster and emergency response work, as well as a wide range of crisis support work. Includes resources and strategies to help increase knowledge and improve skills and capacity for personal wellbeing, team wellness, and organizational planning to support self-care.
  • Psychosocial Disaster Learning Series: Developed for first responders, helpers, staff, and leaders, this learning series is a refresher learning opportunity to review the principles of Psychological First Aid (PFA) and help you support people who are experiencing a disaster or an emergency.

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Albertans have experienced many challenges that place a strain on our mental health. On this page you will find resources and learning opportunities to help with your mental health and self-management including:

  • Building Blocks for Resilience: Developed as a teaching tool for parents and caregivers with information and activities to help build resilience. This series highlights evidence informed information and parenting practices that support positive mental health and overall resilience.
  • Self-Management of Depression and Anxiety: Developed for healthcare providers who work with adult and/or teens and their families who have poor mental health, depression, and/or anxiety. This series highlights evidence-based ways to help people improve and maintain their positive mental health through lifestyle management and professional care.
  • Self-Management of Stress: Developed for adults, teens, educators, and healthcare providers. The toolkit provides information about stress, how it can affect your physical and mental health, and coping strategies to help manage stress.
  • Self-Care in Disaster Times and Beyond Toolkit: Developed for first responders, helpers, and leaders involved in disaster and emergency response work, as well as a wide range of crisis support work. Includes resources and strategies to help increase knowledge and improve skills and capacity for personal wellbeing, team wellness, and organizational planning to support self-care.
  • Psychosocial Disaster Learning Series: Developed for first responders, helpers, staff, and leaders, this learning series is a refresher learning opportunity to review the principles of Psychological First Aid (PFA) and help you support people who are experiencing a disaster or an emergency.

Tell us about yourself and the resources you are accessing by taking our short survey!

Questions or concerns, email us at:

  • Building Blocks for Resilience: Birth to 2 Years

    Share Building Blocks for Resilience: Birth to 2 Years on Facebook Share Building Blocks for Resilience: Birth to 2 Years on Twitter Share Building Blocks for Resilience: Birth to 2 Years on Linkedin Email Building Blocks for Resilience: Birth to 2 Years link

    Building Blocks for Resilience: Birth to 2 Years, is designed to provide parents and caregivers with information and activities to help build resilience in their baby (birth to 12 months) or toddler (13 to 14 months). To learn more, you can download this booklet. An emotion postcard is also available.

    Being able to manage emotions and respond to situations in healthy ways are skills that we can learn and develop throughout our lives.

    You can help your child develop these skills by modeling healthy ways to manage your own emotions and by using Building Blocks for Resilience Emotions Postcards to help them learn to recognize and name emotions.

    We would really like to hear from you on how you are using this resource. Please take the time to provide us with as much information as you feel comfortable with providing!

  • Building Blocks for Resilience: 2 to 4 Years

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    This booklet provides information, tips, and fun activities to support your child's growing brain, positive mental health, and resilience through:

    • supportive relationships
    • emotional skills
    • social skills
    • problem solving skills
    • community connections

    To download this booklet, click here. An emotions postcard is also available.

    Being able to manage emotions and respond to situations in healthy ways are skills that we can learn and develop throughout our lives. You can help your child develop these skills by modeling healthy ways to manage your own emotions and by using Building Blocks for Resilience Emotions Postcards to help them learn to recognize and name emotions.

    We would really like to hear from you on how you are using this resource. Please take the time to provide us with as much information as you feel comfortable with providing!

  • Building Blocks for Resilience: 5 to 8 years

    Share Building Blocks for Resilience: 5 to 8 years on Facebook Share Building Blocks for Resilience: 5 to 8 years on Twitter Share Building Blocks for Resilience: 5 to 8 years on Linkedin Email Building Blocks for Resilience: 5 to 8 years link

    This booklet has simple things you can do as a parent or caregiver to help your child's resilience. It provides information, tips and fun activities on topics like:

    • brain development, mental health, and resilience
    • self-care for parents and caregivers
    • supportive relationships
    • emotional skills
    • social skills
    • problem solving skills
    • self-esteem

    To download this book, click here. An emotions postcard is also available.

    Being able to manage emotions and respond to situations in healthy ways are skills that we can learn and develop throughout our lives. You can help your child develop these skills by modeling healthy ways to manage your own emotions and by using Building Blocks for Resilience Emotions Postcards to help them learn to recognize and name emotions.

    We would really like to hear from you on how you are using this resource. Please take the time to provide us with as much information as you feel comfortable with providing!

  • Self-Management of Depression and Anxiety

    Share Self-Management of Depression and Anxiety on Facebook Share Self-Management of Depression and Anxiety on Twitter Share Self-Management of Depression and Anxiety on Linkedin Email Self-Management of Depression and Anxiety link

    Developed for healthcare providers who work with individuals and their families who have poor mental health, depression, and/or anxiety. This series highlights evidence-based ways to help people improve and maintain their positive mental health through lifestyle management and professional care. There are two books in the series:

    We would really like to hear from you on how you are using this resource. Please take the time to provide us with as much information as you feel comfortable with providing!

  • Self-Management of Stress

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    Information about stress, the affects on your physical and mental health, and coping strategies to help manage stress.

    You can also find additional resources at Help in Tough Times under Stress.

    We would really like to hear from you on how you are using this resource. Please take the time to provide us with as much information as you feel comfortable with providing!

  • Self-Care in Disaster Times and Beyond Toolkit

    Share Self-Care in Disaster Times and Beyond Toolkit on Facebook Share Self-Care in Disaster Times and Beyond Toolkit on Twitter Share Self-Care in Disaster Times and Beyond Toolkit on Linkedin Email Self-Care in Disaster Times and Beyond Toolkit link

    This informative toolkit is for first responders, helpers, and leaders involved in disaster and emergency response work, as well as a wide range of crisis support work. Inside, you will find resources and strategies to help you and your organization increase your knowledge and improve your skills and capacity for your personal wellbeing, team wellness, and organizational planning to support self-care.

    The Toolkit includes:

    • Guidebook for an individual or organizations.
    • A workbook with self-reflective activities, team discussion questions, assessment tools, and organizational planning resources to support individual and workplace self-care for an individual or an organization.
    • PowerPoint for individuals or organizations with key concepts to use in a presentation or for information to guide you and your organization.

    We would really like to hear from you on how you are using this resource. Please take the time to provide us with as much information as you feel comfortable with providing!

  • Spiritual Care to Support Your Well-being in a Disaster

    Share Spiritual Care to Support Your Well-being in a Disaster on Facebook Share Spiritual Care to Support Your Well-being in a Disaster on Twitter Share Spiritual Care to Support Your Well-being in a Disaster on Linkedin Email Spiritual Care to Support Your Well-being in a Disaster link

    The spiritual practices brochure can be used to support your resilience, well-being, and coping in a disaster or emergency. A supporting booklet of worksheets contains nine different spiritual practice worksheets to help you strengthen your relationships, improve social connections, and help you cope with change or loss.

    We would really like to hear from you on how you are using this resource. Please take the time to provide us with as much information as you feel comfortable with providing!