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D-Stress Breathing Techniques

We may not realize it, but our breathing becomes more rapid and shallow when our stress response is activated (which may happen more than we think). Breathing techniques are widely used because they are effective in relieving stress in the moment. Taking time to slow down our breath and breathing more deeply can help us self-regulate. This can help us choose how to “respond” to a situation rather than “react” in the moment.

Here are some techniques that you can try at home. If at any time you feel uncomfortable, just go back to the normal rhythm of your breath.

  1. Even-Paced Breathing: this video contains verbal instructions and an easy-to-follow breath pacer. (Requires sound). 
  2. Box-Breathing: This silent video will help us pace our breathing around a box. Please read the instructions beside the video before beginning the technique.

You can do breathing techniques whenever you feel stressed, or anytime you want to feel calmer.

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