2023 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

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Thank you for taking part in the 2023 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.  We encourage you to continue to explore ways to put reconciliation into action.

Wearing an orange shirt symbolizes the harm done to residential school students and their families and shows a commitment to the principle that every child matters. By acknowledging and understanding the truth of the past, we can take steps to move forward towards reconciliation.

AHS has been commemorating Orange Shirt Day on September 30 for many years, to recognize the history and truthful impacts of residential schools in Alberta. The Orange Shirt Day movement started in 2013 after a Residential School Survivor spoke about having the orange shirt her grandmother bought for her taken away on her first day of school when she was 6 years old. Read her story here.

In 2021, Orange Shirt Day became the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. AHS will be commemorating the day with reflective sessions on Friday, September 29. We encourage everyone to honour September 30 as a day of personal reflection or to take part in events in your community.

Wearing an orange shirt symbolizes the harm done to residential school students and their families and shows a commitment to the principle that every child matters. By acknowledging and understanding the truth of the past, we can take steps to move forward towards reconciliation.

AHS has been commemorating Orange Shirt Day on September 30 for many years, to recognize the history and truthful impacts of residential schools in Alberta. The Orange Shirt Day movement started in 2013 after a Residential School Survivor spoke about having the orange shirt her grandmother bought for her taken away on her first day of school when she was 6 years old. Read her story here.

In 2021, Orange Shirt Day became the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. AHS will be commemorating the day with reflective sessions on Friday, September 29. We encourage everyone to honour September 30 as a day of personal reflection or to take part in events in your community.

Thank you for taking part in the 2023 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.  We encourage you to continue to explore ways to put reconciliation into action.

Do you have a question about Indigenous Health or History? This is a safe space to ask.

  • Share Are the sessions available to view after September 29th, for those who aren't available to watch on that day? on Facebook Share Are the sessions available to view after September 29th, for those who aren't available to watch on that day? on Twitter Share Are the sessions available to view after September 29th, for those who aren't available to watch on that day? on Linkedin Email Are the sessions available to view after September 29th, for those who aren't available to watch on that day? link

    Are the sessions available to view after September 29th, for those who aren't available to watch on that day?

    Sarah Nipshank asked over 1 year ago

    Thank you for your question.  For those sessions that we have permission to record, we will be recording and posting the links to our Together4Health site where people can access them.  Keep your eye on the site!

    AHS Indigenous Wellness Core

  • Share Hello, I would like to register for the three AHS Online Sessions (Acknowleding the Truths, Truth and Reconciliation, and Sixties Scoop) but I have a conflict for that date/time(s). Will the sessions be recorded and available after? If so, how I can gain access to them? on Facebook Share Hello, I would like to register for the three AHS Online Sessions (Acknowleding the Truths, Truth and Reconciliation, and Sixties Scoop) but I have a conflict for that date/time(s). Will the sessions be recorded and available after? If so, how I can gain access to them? on Twitter Share Hello, I would like to register for the three AHS Online Sessions (Acknowleding the Truths, Truth and Reconciliation, and Sixties Scoop) but I have a conflict for that date/time(s). Will the sessions be recorded and available after? If so, how I can gain access to them? on Linkedin Email Hello, I would like to register for the three AHS Online Sessions (Acknowleding the Truths, Truth and Reconciliation, and Sixties Scoop) but I have a conflict for that date/time(s). Will the sessions be recorded and available after? If so, how I can gain access to them? link

    Hello, I would like to register for the three AHS Online Sessions (Acknowleding the Truths, Truth and Reconciliation, and Sixties Scoop) but I have a conflict for that date/time(s). Will the sessions be recorded and available after? If so, how I can gain access to them?

    Kendra Malainey asked over 1 year ago

    Hi Kendra, and thank you for your question.  For those sessions that we have permission to record, we will be recording and posting the links to our Together4Health site where people can access them.  Keep your eye on the site!

    Thanks again for your question,

    AHS Indigenous Wellness Core