HAC Farewell 2024

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Celebrating your volunteer contribution to Alberta Health Services

Welcome to the Health Advisory Council Farewell page!

The Alberta Health Services (AHS) Community Engagement team wants to allow current and former Health Advisory Council (HAC) members an opportunity to share their favourite memories, moments and thoughts during their time volunteering with us. This farewell includes a few different ways to commemorate and acknowledge your contribution. Please take a moment to:

  1. Drop a pin in maps on the community you represent/represented as a HAC member.
  2. Tell us about your favourite or most rewarding memories of being a Council member. What will/ have you taken from this volunteer experience?
  3. Please sign our Guest Book

You’re invited to a virtual wrap-up event commemorating 15 years of HACs

With the establishment of Alberta Health’s new Regional Advisory Councils (RACs), this brings to an end the historic run of Alberta Health Services Health Advisory Councils (HACs). Effective Friday, June 28, 2024, AHS HACs will end its operations.

We would like to bring current and former members (alumni), as well as AHS leaders and Community Engagement staff together to acknowledge the years of invaluable service HACs have been in operation, and the people who have made it all possible.

Please join Community Engagement for this virtual celebration where we will share some stories, photos and laughs. Registration is required.

Date: Tuesday, June 4
Time: 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Registration: Please register here.

We look forward to ‘seeing’ you on June 4.

Celebrating your volunteer contribution to Alberta Health Services

Welcome to the Health Advisory Council Farewell page!

The Alberta Health Services (AHS) Community Engagement team wants to allow current and former Health Advisory Council (HAC) members an opportunity to share their favourite memories, moments and thoughts during their time volunteering with us. This farewell includes a few different ways to commemorate and acknowledge your contribution. Please take a moment to:

  1. Drop a pin in maps on the community you represent/represented as a HAC member.
  2. Tell us about your favourite or most rewarding memories of being a Council member. What will/ have you taken from this volunteer experience?
  3. Please sign our Guest Book

You’re invited to a virtual wrap-up event commemorating 15 years of HACs

With the establishment of Alberta Health’s new Regional Advisory Councils (RACs), this brings to an end the historic run of Alberta Health Services Health Advisory Councils (HACs). Effective Friday, June 28, 2024, AHS HACs will end its operations.

We would like to bring current and former members (alumni), as well as AHS leaders and Community Engagement staff together to acknowledge the years of invaluable service HACs have been in operation, and the people who have made it all possible.

Please join Community Engagement for this virtual celebration where we will share some stories, photos and laughs. Registration is required.

Date: Tuesday, June 4
Time: 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Registration: Please register here.

We look forward to ‘seeing’ you on June 4.

Guest Book

Please sign our guest book. 

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I had the opportunity to be one of the first community board members in Oldman/River for 1 term. It was a truly enjoyable, informative and engaging time. Thank you to everyone involved and who I had the privilege to meet and engage with!

Angela Best 3 months ago

I had the opportunity to be the first chair of the HAC Crossroads Region (dating myself) as well as a member for the David Thompson Region representing Drayton Valley. I enjoyed the Council so much and got to meet so many interesting people as well as valuable information. Was a pleasure to serve my area. So sorry I cannot attend the event and hope you have a wonderful turnout. Would have been so nice to see the many members I met over the years. Regards and thanks again for the opportunity to comment.

Jeannette Vatter. 4 months ago