2020 National Indigenous Peoples Day Celebrations

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Thank you for joining us to celebrate the 2020 National Indigenous Peoples Day. Join the 2021 Celebrations happening now!

On June 21, Canada will be celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day. First celebrated in 1996, National Indigenous Peoples Day is a day to recognize and celebrate the cultures and contributions of Indigenous peoples from across Canada. Let’s gather together – online – to celebrate the rich cultures and stories of Indigenous peoples in Alberta.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the celebrations this year! For those who may have missed them, please feel free to view the presentations and videos that were shared (at right.)

On June 21, Canada will be celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day. First celebrated in 1996, National Indigenous Peoples Day is a day to recognize and celebrate the cultures and contributions of Indigenous peoples from across Canada. Let’s gather together – online – to celebrate the rich cultures and stories of Indigenous peoples in Alberta.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the celebrations this year! For those who may have missed them, please feel free to view the presentations and videos that were shared (at right.)

Thank you for joining us to celebrate the 2020 National Indigenous Peoples Day. Join the 2021 Celebrations happening now!

Do you have a question about Indigenous culture or history? Ask you question here, and start a conversation that will lead to greater understanding and awareness.

  • Share I'm interested in learning how we can each make the health care experience better, more inviting and less traumatic for our Indigenous folks. I know it's not as simple as shouting out some ideas to implement, but any advice on how to start decolonizing our work would be appreciated! on Facebook Share I'm interested in learning how we can each make the health care experience better, more inviting and less traumatic for our Indigenous folks. I know it's not as simple as shouting out some ideas to implement, but any advice on how to start decolonizing our work would be appreciated! on Twitter Share I'm interested in learning how we can each make the health care experience better, more inviting and less traumatic for our Indigenous folks. I know it's not as simple as shouting out some ideas to implement, but any advice on how to start decolonizing our work would be appreciated! on Linkedin Email I'm interested in learning how we can each make the health care experience better, more inviting and less traumatic for our Indigenous folks. I know it's not as simple as shouting out some ideas to implement, but any advice on how to start decolonizing our work would be appreciated! link

    I'm interested in learning how we can each make the health care experience better, more inviting and less traumatic for our Indigenous folks. I know it's not as simple as shouting out some ideas to implement, but any advice on how to start decolonizing our work would be appreciated!

    Amanda Nickerson asked about 4 years ago

    Hi there and thank you for your question.  

    The most effective way to support change is by increasing awareness and education. A good place to start may be to look at  AHS’ booklet, Indigenous Peoples and Communities in Alberta.  AHS staff and volunteers are encouraged to take the Indigenous Awareness courses via our online learning. The AHS Indigenous Health Program page also has several great resources that can help support your increased understanding. 

    Change starts from within, and educating yourself on Indigenous history is a great place to start.