Ambulatory Collection Laboratory relocates

As preparations for construction of the new patient tower continue at Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre (RDRHC), work is underway to relocate services from the Ambulatory Annex, which will become part of the footprint for the new tower. By relocating services from the Annex to other areas of the hospital, we are taking steps to ensure care continues to be accessible to patients throughout construction.

Among the services moving from the Annex space is the Ambulatory Collection Laboratory.

At the end of the day on December 9, 2024, the Ambulatory Collection Lab will be moved to the Lower Level of the hospital. There it will be located beside the hospital’s main lab, across from the Garden Court Café cafeteria. The collection lab will begin operation in its new home as of December 10.

The Ambulatory Collection Laboratory serves those patients who are under the care of ambulatory clinics, such as the Medical Specialty Clinic, the Central Alberta Cancer Centre, the pre-admission clinic and Diagnostic Imaging. Community patients requiring lab services such as blood draws can access one of two community labs in Red Deer. One is located in Bower Plaza (#108, 2325-50 Ave.) and the other is in the downtown (#101A, 5002 55 Street in the Elements @ River’s Edge building).

Appointments at the community labs can be booked online at or by calling the appointment line at 1-877-702-4486.

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