10 Together

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Thank you for helping us celebrate our first 10 years Together! This project is now archived.

This April AHS marks its first decade of improving healthcare for Albertans, and looks forward to the decade ahead with 10 Together.

Our people and all Albertans are invited to join the celebrations throughout the milestone year, including many activities that will be shared on this page.

Let’s celebrate, together.

This April AHS marks its first decade of improving healthcare for Albertans, and looks forward to the decade ahead with 10 Together.

Our people and all Albertans are invited to join the celebrations throughout the milestone year, including many activities that will be shared on this page.

Let’s celebrate, together.

Guest Book

Over the past 10 years, Albertans and AHS have achieved many milestones and sucesses that we can look back on and celebrate, together.

We want to know what you think are some of the most significant milestones and the stories behind them.

Tips for submitting your story:

  • Be authentic and have fun.

  • Keep it short: a few sentences or a paragraph are perfect.

  • Plain, simple language is appreciated.

Thank you for helping us celebrate our first 10 years Together! This project is now archived.

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January 20, 2014 - AHS’ Safe Infant Sleep Policy was implemented after a mandate from AHS' Chief Medical Officer of Health in 2009 to address sleep related infant deaths in Alberta. This was the first provincial policy that the Healthy Children and Families team in Population, Public and Indigenous Health department was tasked to develop and implement with key stakeholders across the continuum of care including public health, acute care and key provincial programs. The Policy and its associated healthcare provider and parent/family resources continue to support safe sleep practices both within AHS care facilities and in the community. Since it’s implementation, the Policy has been revised and evaluated, resulting in improvements in staff education and resources, and can be found here.


fbandali about 6 years ago

In September 2010 , fifteen Patient and Family members came together with four AHS staff and a facilitator to build the Provincial Patient and Family Advisory Group. The group's first formal meeting was in December 2010 and the first consult was around an Integrated Plan of Care - What could this look like by Dr Ann Colburne. Since that time this group has grown to 30 members from across the province and has participated in over 273 consults. A great example of successful partnering with our Patients and families.

jennifer about 6 years ago

10 Together – Let’s Celebrate! The Design’s Lab’s Story.

The Launch
The Design Lab launched in 2016. Since then, its members have been busy using design thinking to add value Alberta-wide. Design thinking is a collaborative approach for solving complex problems by ideating and testing with the people who matter most: the users of our services. With design thinking becoming ever more popular in healthcare, the Lab’s ability to identify opportunities for change and help in collaboratively solving problems is proving increasingly important.

Looking Back
To date, the Lab has helped hundreds of people think differently about how services can be delivered. It’s taught hundreds more how to work quicker with less planning, minimal resources and more action. The Lab’s primary focus has been the Patient First Strategy, Seniors Health, and Youth and Adolescent Addiction, Mental Health, and Psychiatry Program in the Calgary and South Zones. The Lab’s facilitations consistently receive high accolades from evaluation respondents, and most agree that they would recommend our education sessions to others.

Quality and Safety Summit < i4
The Quality & Safety Summit, held annually since 2015 with the help of QHI colleagues, has been one of the Design Lab’s greatest accomplishments. It has quickly grown to be one of the most sought after events for healthcare providers, along with patient and family advisors. For example, 98% of survey respondents would recommend this year’s Summit to others! With carefully selected abstracts, posters, and guest speakers, it’s gaining momentum and continuing to inspire future leaders in healthcare! With this intention, the Summit has been renamed i4 (ideate, incubate, invigorate, implement).

Leaping Forward
Launching into 2019, Lab members will be facilitating an International Sprint School in Glasgow, Scotland. This partnership with NHS Horizons, NHS Scotland and AHS will be the first of its kind. Through this collaboration, Lab members will begin offering a Virtual Sprint School to healthcare professionals across the globe. In just two years, the Design Lab has validated the use of the design thinking methodology in a healthcare setting, educated hundreds of staff on agile ways of working, and mobilized numerous social numerous campaigns (such as #WhatMatterstoYou #WMTY) to get people talking about the future we can all build. Great journeys start with single steps, and the Lab is excited for what the next decade brings!

shalynprasad about 6 years ago

10 years Together: eSIM Provincial Simulation Program

10 years together has seen exponential growth in provincial eSIM (educate, simulate, innovate, motivate) program!
eSIM has visited over 90+ AHS and Covenant sites and has added 19 Simulation team members across our provincial team. A grassroots program has allowed us to train AHS educators, clinicians and physicians as simulation faculty (1185 in total) through our foundational learning course called WISE (Workshop in Simulation Education).
This model for provincial simulation service delivery was developed in January of 2009. The framework focused on integration, coordination, leveraging and building on existing simulation infrastructure and expertise. The provincial eSIM simulation program was designed to be inclusive for all learners and has created opportunities for collaboration across practice areas, units, sites, and zones.
Recently the eSIM program has been structured within the Process Improvement leadership team. eSIM continues to be one of the world’s largest single simulation programs under Alberta Health Services focused on team training, patient safety, improving the systems and processes in which we work, and have shown a consistent improvement in team effectiveness across all teams participating in simulation based education.

sbarnes about 6 years ago

Nutrition Food Linen & Environmental Services (NFLES) - AHS 10 Together Timeline Stories

Our strength is our shared vision! Despite our size, we’ve been able to work collaboratively within and beyond NFLES to standardize processes and practices in all sites. Effective communication supports our ability to connect, educate and collaborate efficiently and effectively with our large team!

• Introduced selective Menu in 72 Long-term care sites across the province
• Early adopters of Lync technology – now Skype
• AHS approves first Policy - Trans Fat Policy
• Healthy Eating Environment Policies introduced for AHS Retail Food Services
• Created Provincial Nutrition Education Resource System
• Developed consistent diet naming for all sites across the to support safety; right diet, right menu for the right patient
• Consolidated Inform Alberta content for adult and pediatric outpatient nutrition counselling across Alberta
• Decided on recommended nutrition screening tools to identify malnourished patients
• Created a flexible food ordering guide for all AHS sites
• Introduced Provincial Uniform standards to improve patient identification of Food Service workers and enhance image
• Upgraded CBORD - the provincial Food Services System - an integral piece of work to prepare for the Connect Care initiative
• Implemented selective Menu in acute care facilities across the province
• AHS menus support locally sourced products
• Dietitian services integrated into Health Link Alberta and enhanced to include North, Central and South zones
• HealthyEatingStartsHere.ca website launched
• The Enhancing the Patient Meal Experience (EPME) program launched
• NFLES manages Waste Management strategy and framework for AhS
• Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) – Nutrition Services a leader in implementing this protocol = shorter Length of Stay and reduced readmissions
• Implemented mobile, automated cleanliness auditing system
• Leading and guiding recycling initiatives provincially
• Trained Dedicated equipment cleaners across the province
• President’s Excellence Award for Nutrition Food, Linen and Environmental Services Safety Champion Network
• Standardized disinfection and sanitary paper products provincially
• Capital equipment replacement process created for NFLES
• Purchased additional desktop computers, laptops and monitors to support frontline access to education
• Rockyview General Hospital received the President’s Excellence Award for Service Excellence for replacing sugar sweetened beverage with healthier options.
• Replacement of sugar sweetened beverages rolled out at the Alberta Children’s Hospital
• Online NFLES New Employee Orientation Program and Handbook launched
• NFLES Annual Conferences - Food Matters, Western Canada Nutrition Day and Biennial Nourishing the Neonate
• Incorporated local community/family participation to optimize menu selections; sustained this approach through tastings, discussion at resident council meetings
• Leader Rounds – gather direct and real time feedback from patients, residents and families
• Developed The
o Meals Matter video based on patient perspective
o “Lived Experience” and
o “Time to Eat Toolkit’ to address barriers to eating and impact on malnutrition.
• Nutrition and Food Services Zone Leads assume the lead for all of NFLES functions – “one stop shop”

Nutrition, Food, Linen & Environmental Services has experienced incredible process improvement over the past 10 years! Thank You AHS for being visionary! We are proud to say that we work for one of the top 100 Employers in Canada (two years in a row). If we had remained separate there would have been no capacity for this progress.

lisahaber about 6 years ago

In September 2018, the AHS Provincial Oral Health Office (POHO), Mouth Care (Oral Hygiene) Training for Care Staff in Continuing Care program, was recognized by the Canadian Frailty Network as one of the top 30 innovations in Canada for demonstrating the potential to improve the experiences, and quality of life of frail older adults, their families and caregivers. POHO was invited to present the training program in Toronto, Ontario at the Frailty Matters Innovation Showcase which was presented in partnership with the Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement (CFHI) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research- Institute of Aging- (CIHR-IA).

Sabrina about 6 years ago

In January 2018, AHS Provincial Oral Hygiene Policy was implemented to support Standard 14.0 benefitting residents in Continuing Care facilities across Alberta. The Oral Hygiene Policy, aims to improve patient health outcomes and facilitates the prevention of oral diseases or secondary health complications for example, aspiration pneumonia or poor diabetes management that may arise from poor oral health.

Sabrina about 6 years ago

In 2016, collaboration between AHS and Alberta Health resulted in a Continuing Health Services Standard 14.0 that states all residents in Continuing Care facilities across Alberta must be offered oral care assistance twice a day or more frequently as required, as documented in the resident’s care plan.

Sabrina about 6 years ago

In April 2016, the Continuing Care Desktop (CCD) provided Provincial Oral Health with its own Daily Oral Care icon. This icon houses evidence-informed oral health training resources that can be accessed by health care providers to provide group presentations or used as self-guided resources. These include PowerPoint presentations, voice-over PowerPoints, demonstration videos (AHS YouTube Channel), and various handouts.

Sabrina about 6 years ago

In 2015, the AHS Mouth Care (Oral Hygiene) Training for Care Staff in Continuing Care program was expanded across 359 Continuing Care (CC) facilities across Alberta.

Sabrina about 6 years ago

February 2014: The AHS Clinical Policy and Corporate Policy Departments merge. This creates a single point-of-contact for all development and management of AHS policy documents.

sean.schaffer about 6 years ago

May 3, 2011: Dr. Eagle, President and CEO, announces that AHS will be undergoing an organizational realignment. This realignment would lead to some major changes like the Zones becoming a more formalized structure and the Dyad model of operational and medical leadership. This realignment will take place over several months. While there have been other realignments since then, this change set the cornerstone of AHS' structure as it exists today.

sean.schaffer about 6 years ago

May 31, 2016: Dr. Verna Yiu officially becomes President and CEO of AHS, a role she was serving in an interim basis since January 2016.

sean.schaffer about 6 years ago

November 27, 2015: Vickie Kaminski announces her resignation as President and CEO of AHS effective January 2016. Dr. Verna Yiu becomes interim CEO effective January 11, 2016. Dr. Yiu previously served as Vice President and Chief Medical Officer.

sean.schaffer about 6 years ago

November 27, 2015: The AHS Board is officially reformed following two years of having an Official Administrator. Linda Hughes is named Board Chair (a role she currently still holds).

sean.schaffer about 6 years ago

June 2, 2014: Vickie Kaminski becomes President and CEO of AHS. Vickie Kaminski was previously CEO of a health authority in Newfoundland and is a Registered Nurse.

sean.schaffer about 6 years ago

October 17, 2013: Dr. Eagle steps down as President and CEO of AHS. Duncan Campbell, formerly the Vice President, Administration and Chief Financial Officer, becomes interim CEO. Brenda Huband and Rick Trimp take over as interim CEOs on November 15, 2013. Brenda Huband was previously serving as Vice President of Central and Southern Alberta. Rick Trimp was leading Population Health Improvement and Provincial Health Services.

sean.schaffer about 6 years ago

June 12, 2013: The Minister of Health dismisses all members of the AHS Board following disagreement on severance pay. An Official Administrator is appointed in place of the AHS Board.

sean.schaffer about 6 years ago

September 2012: Stephen Lockwood becomes Chair of the AHS Board.

sean.schaffer about 6 years ago

December 28, 2011: Ken Hughes officially resigns as Board Chair of AHS. He had served as Chair since AHS' formal announcement in May 2008. Catherine Roozen becomes Interim Chair.

sean.schaffer about 6 years ago