Hopes and Dreams of Committed Community Members
An inclusive community with no service barriers or bias and has increased integration and collaboration to maximize the level of supports to community members are just some of the hopes and dreams of 21 Whitecourt community members that attended the first RIFS coalition meeting in September.
They hope that working together on RIFS, will lead to greater understanding of community and social services, financial education, positive attitudes towards those who are struggling, interconnection between support services, and engagement of community members. Check out the meeting summary. Do their hopes and dreams ring true for you?
Thank you for your interest in and involvement with the RIFS project. This project was a ground-breaking collaboration between primary care, public health and communities utilizing a collaborative approach to address income as a determinant of health within the Patient’s Medical Home, Health Neighbourhood, and the community, resulting in a stronger, more integrated health ecosystem for patients. We are grateful to the many teams who made the work such a success and continue to collaborate and take action to reduce financial strain.
With the formal RIFS project now complete, focus has shifted to enabling this work to grow and evolve in other clinics and communities. Visit the Alberta Health Services – Healthier Together website to learn more and stay up to date on the initiatives that result from this project.