2022 National Indigenous Peoples Month Celebrations

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Thank you for joining us to celebrate the 2022 National Indigenous Peoples Day. Visit Alberta Health Services' Indigenous Health Program  to learn more.

L to R: AHS Cultural Helper Noella Cardinal and her daughter Lesanna Hayden Dennehy, Juli Harmon and her mother AHS Health Promotion Facilitator Jamie Harmon, and AHS Inuit Helper Atisinak Bishop.

On June 21, Canada will celebrate National Indigenous Peoples DayFirst celebrated in 1996, this is a day to recognize and celebrate the cultures and contributions of Indigenous Peoples from across Canada.

This year our theme is Healing through Mind, Body and Spirit. Join us as we celebrate throughout the month of June. Keep watching here to keep up to date on AHS events and activities. 

As we celebrate together, feel free to ask questionsshare inspirational titles, and remember to take time for healing and self care.

L to R: AHS Cultural Helper Noella Cardinal and her daughter Lesanna Hayden Dennehy, Juli Harmon and her mother AHS Health Promotion Facilitator Jamie Harmon, and AHS Inuit Helper Atisinak Bishop.

On June 21, Canada will celebrate National Indigenous Peoples DayFirst celebrated in 1996, this is a day to recognize and celebrate the cultures and contributions of Indigenous Peoples from across Canada.

This year our theme is Healing through Mind, Body and Spirit. Join us as we celebrate throughout the month of June. Keep watching here to keep up to date on AHS events and activities. 

As we celebrate together, feel free to ask questionsshare inspirational titles, and remember to take time for healing and self care.