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VENISON POPPERS - Jamie Harmon, IHP, Cultural Competency EZ

Venison Jalapeno Poppers

“My husband is a hunter and he really likes to cook, YAY!! Here is one of his favorite ways to cook up deer meat and it’s delicious”


12 Jalapeno Peppers (if you don’t like heat, try Mini Sweet Peppers)

1 pkg Bacon (cut in half to make 24 strips)

1 Cup Soft Cream Cheese

I Cup Grated Cheddar Cheese

Italian Dressing

½ - 1 pound Venison

24 toothpicks

Slice Venison into ¼” strips and marinate overnight with Italian Dressing. Next day, wash and slice jalapeno peppers in half (lengthwise), remove seeds. Mix cheeses together and fill jalapeno pepper halves. Add strip of venison to each half. Wrap bacon around each pepper and secure with toothpick. Place stuffed pepper on cookie sheet lined with parchment paper and bake at 350 for 30 minutes.


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