Our Team

Janine Sakatch

Executive Director, Community Engagement & External Relations

Nicole Merrifield
Director, Community Engagement & External Relations

Andrea Jackson
Team Lead, Advisory Council Relations
Melony Hately
Advisor, Community Engagement, Advisory Council Relations 
(Wood Buffalo, Tamarack and Lakeland Communities HACs)

Deanna Dament
Advisor, Community Engagement, Advisory Council Relations (Peace, True North and Lesser Slave Lake HACs) 
Christine Osunde
Senior Advisor, Community Engagement, Advisory Council Relations (Prairie Mountain, Palliser Triangle, and Oldman River HAC’s)

Carolyn Paradis
Senior Advisor, Community Engagement & External Relations

Harpreet Matharu
Senior Advisor, Community Engagement & External Relations

LauraLee Clarke
Senior Advisor, Community Engagement & External Relations
Katherine Morgan-Litke
Administrative Assistant, Community Engagement & External Relations

Maya Atallah
Advisor, Community Engagement, Advisory Council Relations
Valerian Nyaga
Senior Advisor / Project Coordinator, Community Engagement & External Relations
Patrick Banawa
Database Assistant, Community Engagement & External Relations