Thank you.
On behalf of the Indigenous Wellness Core (IWC), we would like to thank everyone for their participation in the first ever National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30th, 2021.
We were so grateful to see the record number of people joining us from inside and outside of our organization for the virtual events, which truly speaks to the progress we are making. The sessions were incredibly strong learning opportunities that perhaps triggered emotional responses for some, but they are important conversations that need to take place on our journey towards reconciliation.
Thank you to the IWC events Working Group and all AHS staff who offered their support in creating an unforgettable day of education and awareness, for dedicating your time and ensuring all the virtual events ran smoothly.
To all the presenters, thank you for graciously sharing your wisdom and knowledge with us so that we may learn what we need to do on this journey. We thank you for your time and truly appreciate your participation.
And thank you to those who participated in the day’s events. We hope you continue to show your commitment to grow your understanding and knowledge about the truth of Indigenous experiences.
Together, with care and compassion, we can work to improve access to top quality, culturally safe care for all Albertans.
Thank you for taking part in the 2021 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. We encourage you to continue to explore ways to put reconciliation into action.